About Linda O'Donnell

It's a love affair: me, words, and story, for as long as I can remember. But I didn't follow that path initially. My career in Information Technology spanned 25 years, a programmer and analyst always involved in creating top-notch documentation and courseware. Due to my skills, I began freelance editing about 20 years ago, focusing mostly on resumes, term papers, blog posts, and professional articles.

My love for story led me to write. To improve my writing, I read craft books, attended webinars and conferences, took lots of training classes, and I discovered I loved story! So I buckled down and studied story structure. Now I am a Fictionary Certified StoryCoach, offering developmental/structural edits using Fictionary software. I am also a Certified Fictionary Instructor, teaching in their Fictionary Live! program for premium subscribers. I write monthly blog posts on writing and editing, and I also offer professional beta reads and copy/line editing services. (For more on Fictionary, visit http://www.fictionary.co )

I am a wife, a mother, and a grandmother. Those are my most treasured roles! I have furry kids, too--all rescues who chose me to be their mom. (They knew I was a sucker for a cute whiskered face.) In my down time, I do genealogy. I love putting together the puzzle pieces of my family tree. But mostly, I read.

I specialize in romance (light on the spice), chick lit, mystery, and thrillers. Fantasy if it's not too gory. I can't wait to read your story.

Structural Edit

Here's how the process typically works:

  • I read your first 50 pages.

  • We meet via Zoom to discuss your story--why you wrote it, what it means to you, what you need help with.

  • After we've decided we're a good match, we'll discuss scheduling.

  • The duration of an edit depends on the genre, number of words, and how much work it needs. A first draft might need more work than a third draft, for example.

  • About halfway through, we'll meet again to discuss progress, and if an updated completion date is necessary.

  • Once the edit is complete, you'll receive a detailed analysis that focuses on story structure, plot, character, and setting.

  • After you've reviewed your report, we'll have another discussion to determine how to polish your manuscript.

You'll receive kind but honest analysis that keeps your artistic vision in mind.

I can't wait to read your story and help you make it a diamond!

close-up photography of two pencils on closed pink covered book on desk near MacBook Air in a well-lit room
close-up photography of two pencils on closed pink covered book on desk near MacBook Air in a well-lit room

Copy Editing

Using professional tools and drawing upon years of experience, The Write Bones reviews your manuscript for grammar, tense, passive voice, capitalization, and punctuation, following the rules set forth in the Chicago Manual of Style.

What to Expect

What is a structural edit?

Sometimes called a developmental edit or substantive edit, it is the most complex stage of the editorial process.

open book lot
open book lot
Certified Fictionary Storycoach Editor

You'll receive a revision plan with clear, actionable advise to make your story shine.

Do I need a copy edit too?

If you are self-publishing, a detailed edit is a must. You want readers to immerse themselves in your story, not be distracted by typos and flaws. Let The Write Bones help you deliver a top-notch product by editing your documents with precision and expertise.

Why do I need a structural edit?

Many publishers are reluctant to consider books that require structural work. Are you certain that your book:

  • Has a plot that makes sense and is plausible?

  • Contains a clear story goal?

  • Has the major plot points in the right places?

  • Is paced well?

  • Features well-developed characters?

  • Demonstrates a consistent point-of-view voice?

  • Utilizes description effectively?

  • Fits your genre?

  • Is free of plot holes or unresolved subplots?